魚類文獻 共 19073 筆
             1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190   第1182/1193頁  每頁 筆       
編號 作者 標題 出版處
06008 Svetovidov, A. H. 1955 Note on Phycis boreelis Saemundsson (Pisces, Gadidae).  
05971 Tsuruta, Saburo; Tsunoda, Seiichi 1960 Morphometrical Characters and Fishing Conditions of Yellowfin Tuna Neothunnus macropterus in the Indian Ocean.  
05972 Ishiyama, Reizo; Kuwabara, Seishi 1955 The Electric Fish of Japan 2 - The Electric Organ of Breviraja tobitukai (Hiyama).  
05984 梁潤生 1961 真骨首目(Superorder Teleosteica)魚類分目檢索表.  
05967 Tsuruta, Saburo 1962 Morphometric Comparison of Yellowfin Tuna of Southwestern Great Sunda Islands and of the Pacific Waters.  
05968 Hirano, Osamu; Tagawa, Shozi 1956 On the Body Composition and Morphological Character of Yellowfin Tuna in the Mid-Indian Ocean.  
06278 Slack-Smith, R. J. 1962 Siphamia Zaribae Whitley ( Family Apogonidae), with Some Observations on Its Ecology.  
06283 神谷尚志 1922 那產浮游性魚卵檢索表.  
06176  1758 Flying Gurnards (Dactylopteridae).  
06157 Bacescu, Mihai 1961 Contributo Allo Sudio Dei Cobitis Dell'italia Settentrionale.  
06527  2000 Ecological & Environmental Symposium of Tansui Estuary  
06519 Lutken, Chr. Fr. 1892 Scopelini Musei Zoologici Universitatis Hauniensis.  
06511 Kobylyanskiy, S.G. 1985 Material for the Revision of the Genus Bathylagus Gunther (Bathylagidae): The Group of "Light" Deepsea Smelts.  
06509   Characters Separating Howella and Bathysphyraenops.  
06508 Nelson, Joseph S. 1994 Classes, Orders, and Families of Living (or Recent )Fishes.  
06507 Kobylyanskiy, S. G. 1986 Material for the Revision of the Genus Bathylagus (Teleostei, Salmoniformes).