名詞 定義 
pharyngeal teeth Opposing patches of teeth which occur on the upper and lower elements of the gill arches. May be placed in a dorsal and ventral pair, as in most teleost fishes, or in laterally opposing pairs, one set on each side, as in Cyprinidae and Catostomidae. The upper pharyngeal teeth are located on a dentigerous plate on the fourth pharyngobranchials and the lower pharyngeal teeth on the dentigerous plate on the fifth ceratobranchials. The pharyngeal teeth of minnows and suckers are processes on the dentigerous plate of the fifth ceratobranchials and are thus homologous to the lower pharyngeal teeth of other fishes; these oppose a prominent horny pad which rests on a projection from the basioccipital. The pharyngeal teeth vary from sharp and piercing to nodular or molariform; they may be modified into a grooved grinding apparatus (or pharyngeal mill), such as seen in the parrotfishes. 
咽頭齒 相對於齒區,是發生在上、下鰓弓上。對大多數的硬骨魚而言,可能成對的被置放在背面和腹面。在側面成相對應的一對,一邊有一組,例如鯉科與亞口魚科。上咽頭齒在第四個咽鰓骨上成一齒板,而下咽骨齒在第五個角鰓骨上成一齒板。鯉科小魚和亞口魚的咽頭齒在第五個角鰓骨上,與其它魚的下咽頭齒是相同的;這些與從基枕骨上面一個突出的角襯墊相對。咽頭齒外型多變,從尖銳和刺骨狀到結節狀或臼齒型;他們也可能是變成一個有凹槽的研磨器官 (或者咽骨壓榨機),例如在鸚哥魚中見到。 