名詞 定義 
pharyngeal teeth counts In some groups such as minnows and suckers the fifth gill arches are strengthened and bear inwardly directed teeth, in 1 - 3 rows. Conventionally counts are given for both sides, beginning with the shorter row on the left side, e.g., 2,4-4,2. In order to count pharyngeal teeth it is necessary to carefully dissect the arches from the gill cavity and clean the excess flesh from them. 
咽頭齒數 在某些族群,例如鯉科小魚和亞口魚的第五個鰓弓是堅硬的,並在其上直接具齒1- 3 列。照慣例兩邊都有計數,從左側較短列開始,例如2,4-4,2。為了計數咽頭齒,必需很小心地從從鰓腔內解剖鰓弓,並且要清理其上過多的肉。 