名詞 定義 
physostomous Fish with a connection (pneumatic duct) between the gas bladder and the esophagus, e.g. many freshwater fishes; fishes in which the air bladder is connected at some point to the digestive tract by an open duct. Some physostomous fishes use the gas bladder as temporary or supplementary organ of respiration (e.g. arapaima, gars, bowfin). 
管鰾類的 氣鰾與食管之間具有一個管道連通的魚 (鰾管),例如許多淡水魚。魚的氣鰾以一個開放的管道被連接到消化管的一些點。 一些管鰾類魚以氣鰾作為呼吸的暫時或增補器官。(例如巨骨舌魚、雀鱔、弓鰭魚) 