名詞 定義 
preopercle A boomerang-shaped bone whose edges form the posterior and lower margins of the cheek region; the most anterior of the bones comprising the gill cover. It bears the upper part of the preoperculo-mandibular lateral line canal. It may bear spines or fine teeth. It belongs to the suspensorium rather than the opercular series and acts to prevent the suspensorium from moving laterally. The upper vertical margin is sometimes called the upper limb, and the lower horizontal edge is called the lower limb; the two limbs meet at the angle of the preopercle.  
前鰓蓋骨 一種似回力棒形的骨頭,位於頰部區域的後下緣;硬骨的最前面組成鰓蓋。它支撐前鰓蓋-腭骨側線管的上半部。它可能有棘或細齒。它屬於懸骨而不是鰓蓋骨系列,作用是阻止懸骨向側面移動。上面的垂直邊緣有時被稱為上翼,而下面的水平邊緣被稱為下翼;兩翼交會於前鰓蓋骨的角落。 