名詞 定義 
primary freshwater fishes Primary freshwater fishes are those with little or no tolerance of brackish water, i.e., water with more than 0.5 grams per liter total dissolved mineral salts. Saltwater is a major barrier for these fishes, and their distribution has not depended on passage through the sea. Examples are: Dipnoi, Polypteridae, Osteoglossidae, most Cyprinidae, Characidae, most families of Siluroidei, Centrarchidae, Percidae, Percopsidae, Dalliidae. 
初級淡水魚 初級淡水魚指的是對半淡鹹水,也就是總溶解礦物鹽每公升超過 0.5公克的水,具有少的或沒有容忍力。鹽水是這些魚的一個主要障礙,且它們的分布沒有仰賴通道經過海洋。例子是:肺魚類、多鰭魚科、骨魚科、大部分的鯉科、脂鯉科、鯰目大部分的科、棘臀魚科、鱸科、鮭鱸科、 Dalliidae 。 