名詞 定義 
rostrum 1) A projecting snout or beak, 2) protracted anterior part of the skull in sharks and rays, 3) central, forward-projecting and occasionally long spine between the eyes of crustaceans, 4) the bony shelf overhanging the cavity where the esca of Ceratiidae is housed, 5) the longer lip of the ostium of the sagittal otolith. 
吻部 1) 一個突出的吻或喙;2) 在鯊魚與魟的頭蓋骨的前方伸長部分;3) 在甲殼動物眼間中央、前向突出且偶爾有長棘;4) 突出於角鮟鱇科的餌球收容洞之上的骨架部;5)矢形耳石孔的較長唇。 