名詞 定義 
scientific name The formal Latin or latinized binominal name of an organism as opposed to its popular or vernacular name. Consists of the genus and specific or trivial name, e.g. Squalus acanthias, the spine dogfish. Convention demands that this name be italicised or if that is not possible, underlined. A species has only one valid scientific name.  
學名 相對於生物俗名的正式拉丁文或拉丁化的二名式名稱。由屬名與種小名或表示種的名稱所組成,例如 Squalus acanthias ,指的是有棘的狗鯊。依規定,這個名稱是用斜體字或劃底線來表示。一個種只有一個有效學名。 