名詞 定義 
shoal 1) A school, 2) a submerged ridge, bank, or bar consisting of, or covered by, unconsolidated sediments (mud, sand, gravel) which is at or near enough to the water surface to constitute a danger to navigation, 3) said of waters where there is a change in depth from deep to shallow. 
魚群;淺灘 1) 一個魚群;2)由鬆散的沉澱物(泥、沙子、礫石)所組成的或被覆蓋著的海脊、沙洲、或沙灘,因在水面或很接近水面以致於對航行構成一種危險;3) 指從深處到淺灘有改變的水域。 