名詞 定義 
spiracle A respiratory opening between the eye and the first gill slit of in Elasmobranchii, Acipenseridae, Polyodontidae, and Polypteridae; connects with the gill cavity, often retains branchial lamellae which are called the spiracular pseudobranch. Shark spiracles are small (e.g. Galeocerdo), but ray spiracles are larger and serve as an opening for water entering the gill chamber. 
呼吸孔 位於板鰓亞綱、鱘科、匙吻鱘與多鰭魚科的眼睛與第一個鰓裝之間的呼吸孔;和鰓腔連接,時常保有鰓板,因此稱為呼吸孔偽鰓。鯊魚的呼吸孔很小(例如鼬鮫屬) ,但是魟類的呼吸孔比較大,而且可當作水進入鰓室的一個開口使用。 