名詞 定義 
type The standard of reference for determining the precise application of a zoological name; a term used alone, or forming part of a compound term, to denote a particular kind of specimen or taxon; nomenclatural type; nomenifer; onomatophore. Each taxon has, actually or potentially, a type. The type of a nominal species is a specimen (type specimen), the type of a nominal genus is the nominal species (type species), and the type of a nominal family is the nominal genus (type genus).  
模式 決定動物學名稱的精確應用的參考標準;一個字獨自用於,或形成複合字的部份,指示一件特別類型的標本或分類單元;命名模式;定名物;攜名標本。每個分類單元實際上或可能有一個模式。定名種的模式是一件標本(模式標本),定名屬的模式是定名種(模式種),而定名科的模式是定名屬(模式屬)。 