名詞 定義 
yield-per-recruit Analysis of how growth and natural mortality interact to determine the best size of animals to harvest; the expected lifetime yield-per-fish of a specific age, e.g. per age 2 individual. Abbreviated as Y/R. For a given exploitation pattern, fishing regime, rate of growth and natural mortality, an expected equilibrium value of Y/R can be calculated for each level of fishing mortality (F).  
單位補充漁獲量 分析成長與自然死亡率如何互相影響以決定動物的最好大小捕獲量分析;預期在特定年齡的魚每年生產量,例如每兩歲個體的。縮寫為Y/R。對於一個給定的採捕模式,釣魚權力,成長與自然死亡的比率,Y/R的預期平衡價值能計算每個水平的漁獲死亡率(F)。 