名詞 定義 
Pearl essence Liquid suspension of particles of guanin, the lustrous material extracted from scales of fish such as herring, sardine or their swim bladders. Also various other species, e.g., argentine or sturgeon. Used to produce sparkle in metallic paints, lip gloss and iridescent eye shadow and used in simulated pearls and plastics. Guanine crystals are rhombic platelets composed of multiple, transparent layers but they have a high index of refraction that partially reflects and transmits light from layer to layer thus producing a pearly luster. It can be applied by spray, painting or dipping. Also called essence d'Orient.  
珍珠素 鳥嘌吟粒子的液體懸浮物,這種有光澤的材料取自魚的鱗片或泳鰾,例如鯡魚、沙丁魚。在其他不同的魚種也存在,例如水珍魚或鱘魚。它被使用於在金屬油漆、脣膏與虹色的眼影中產生閃耀,而且也被用於模仿的珍珠與塑膠。鳥嘌吟晶體是由多重且是透明層的菱形小板所組成,但是它們對於部份地反射有高的折射率,由層到層的部分反射及穿透光線,如此產生珍珠般的光澤。它能藉噴液、油漆或浸液而被應用。也稱作 essence d'Orient。 