名詞 定義 
Fish meal Fish and fish-processing offal dried, often after cooking and pressing (for fatty fish), and ground to give a dry, easily stored product that is a valuable ingredient of animal feeding stuffs. In Europe, mainly capelin, sandeel, mackerel and Norway pout are used for fish meal production. In Japan principal species are sauries, mackerels and sardines. In Peru mainly anchoveta, and in the USA menhaden.  
魚粉 乾製的魚與魚碎肉,通常烹煮且壓製(用於脂肪魚),製成一個乾燥容易地儲存的產品,那是動物飼料中有價值的成分。在歐洲,主要用毛鱗魚,沙丁魚,鯖與挪威鱈來生產魚粉。在日本,主要的種是針魚,鯖與沙丁魚。在祕魯主要用鯷魚,而在美國用油鯡。 