名詞 定義 
Fish silage Liquefied fish or fish waste produced as a result of self-digestion after the addition of acid, or as a result of fermentation of the waste mixed with molasses and yeast. The liquid silage can be concentrated to bring the water content down from about 80% to 50%. Used for animal feeding, usually in areas close to the point of manufacture.  
魚類保藏物 在加入酸之後因為自體分解產生水解的魚或魚類廢物,或廢物混和糖與酵母的發酵的結果。液體保藏物會濃縮造成含水量下降大約 百分之五十至八十。用於動物飼料,通常用在接近餵養點的區域。 