名詞 定義 
redd Depression, usually a pit or a trough in the stream gravel, dug in preparation for, or during, spawning. Eggs are laid,fertilized and covered with gravel, larvae are hidden in the redd. The eggs are oxygenated by the current, e.g. in Petromyzontidae and Salmonidae.  
凹形巢 一種窪地,通常是河川礫石層的一個凹洞或一個溝槽,挖掘於準備或是正在產卵的時候。 卵產下後,受了精而且覆蓋上礫石,仔魚就藏在凹形巢裡。 卵是藉由水流而獲得氧氣,例如見於七鰓鰻科與鮭科。 