名詞 定義 
isocercal Describes a caudal fin in which the fin is formed by caudal rays plus the rear rays of the dorsal and anal fins, and is supported by the last several vertebrae. This type of caudal fin is symmetrical, as found in most modern bony fish, also diphycercal (an internally and externally symmetrical tail fin. May be secondarily acquired from the homocercal condition by loss of the real caudal fin and the gaining of a new one from dorsal and anal elements, e.g. in Gadidae).  
等尾鰭 描述一個尾鰭由背鰭與臀鰭的後面鰭條加上尾部鰭條形成,而且被最後的一些脊椎骨支撐。這類型的尾鰭是對稱的,發現於大多數的現代硬骨魚,也做矛尾鰭(在內部與外部對稱的尾鰭。第二個可能是失去真正的尾鰭後,獲得新的一個來自背鰭與臀鰭得到的等尾鰭,例如在鱈科)。 