名詞 定義 
lunar rhythm A temporal patterning to spawning activity in which spawning either occurs only at certain times of the lunar month or reaches a peak in activity at certain times of the month. Such peaks usually occur near the full and/or new moon. In common usage, a 'lunar' rhythm involves spawning once monthly, whereas a 'semilunar' rhythm refers to spawning every two weeks.  
月節律 產卵活動的時間模式,產卵在那個陰曆月的特定時間出現或者達到一個高峰。如此的高峰通常在全部及/或在新月期的附近出現。一般來說,一個月的節律包括每個月一次的產卵,而一個半月節律則指為每二個星期的產卵。 