名詞 定義 
clupeotoxic fishes Those fishes causing clupeoid fish poisoning; certain clupeiform members of the families Clupeidae, Engraulidae and Elopidae in the tropical Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea and tropcial Pacific Ocean. Tropical clupeiform fishes according to some reports are most likely to be toxic during the warm summer months. Toxicity may be due to the fishes consumption of a dinoflagellate.  
鰮魚毒 鰮魚毒素是一種在熱帶大西洋、加勒比海及熱帶太平洋所存在的,一種斷斷續續發生,並且不可預期的大眾健康問題。它的症狀及徵候,包括產生金屬的味覺,緊接著會發生嘔吐、口乾、腹瀉和腹痛,各式各樣的皮膚疹也可能出現,還有神經的作用,包括劇烈的頭痛、疲勞、發麻、刺痛和肌肉麻痺。也會產生抽筋、昏迷和死亡的遲發症狀。 毒性可能來自於攝食鞭毛蟲所累積。 