名詞 定義 
cartilage Translucent tissue that composes most of the skeleton of embryonic and very young fishes; in some fishes (notably the sharks and rays), it persists in adults, but in most higher (bony) fishes it largely is converted into bone with growth; a skeletal material consisting of a matrix of soft, white or translucent chondrin, also: the flexible, semi-rigid connective tissue consisting of rounded cells (chondrocytes) in a matrix with collagen fibres and low in clacium and phospate salts. Serves to support the body. It is not as strong as bone but is lighter and more flexible. Cyclostomata and Chondrichthyes have an entirely cartilaginous skeleton while other fishes have both cartilaginous and bony elements in the skeleton. Also calles gristle, especially when ingested by humans.  
軟骨組織 組成大部分胚胎與幼魚骨骼的半透明組織,在一些魚類(特別是鯊魚與魟) 中,此組織會繼續存在於成魚,但是在大部分較高等的魚類(硬骨魚)會隨著成長會轉換成硬骨。 