名詞 定義 
gas bubble disease Supersaturated gases (>125%) in water entering the body fluids of fish causing bubbles, an embolism. Often seen in gills, eyes, skin and yolk sacs where membranes are the most gas permeable. Fish often swim upside down or vertically, sometimes looking as if they are gasping for air at the surface and may have exophthalmia. Found below power plants in winter when cold water is rapidly heated by passing through condensers and in hatcheries using borehole water.  
氣泡病 一個過度飽和氣體(>125%)從水中進入魚體造成氣泡,一種拴塞。在薄膜處的鰓、眼、皮膚與卵黃囊最常出現有浸透性的氣體。魚時常游泳上下顛倒或者垂直,有時看好像他們正在為缺乏空氣在水面喘氣,而且可能有眼球突出症。常發現在冬天的電廠下,當寒冷水快速地經過凝結器加熱的時候,或在地上鑿洞水的孵卵所中。 