名詞 定義 
faginism The regular preying of adults on young of their own species. This cannibalism enables the adults to exploit a lower trophic level than it could itself, e.g. young may feed on zooplankton that is too small for adults to catch effectively and too small to sustain adults. Can only evolve if it is less likely for an individual to feed on its own offspring.  
殘食同種幼體 成魚規律的捕食同種的幼魚。這種殘食同類的行為使成魚能夠開發一個勝於他本身所能的低營養階層,舉例來說幼魚可能吃浮游動物,而浮游動物太小無法被有效地捕捉與維持成魚生命。如果它對單一個體覓食它自己的子孫較不偏好時,才會演化出來。 