名詞 定義 
foriculum The specialized scale in female Anableps covering the genital opening but free on one side so as to allow the entrance of the male intromittent organ. The free side may be right or left permitting copulation only with a left- or right-handed male intromittent organ respectively. Plural foricula. 
生殖孔鱗 雌四眼魚覆蓋在生殖口的特化鱗片,但為了要容許雄魚交接器官進入,身體一側未覆蓋。未覆蓋的側邊可能是在右邊或左邊的,因此也只允許偏左或偏右的雄性交接器官進入。複數作 foricula。 