名詞 定義 
fractional spawning Release of eggs at intervals, usually over several days or weeks. This allows more, smaller and immature eggs to be carried in a limited abdominal cavity space as the intervals enable the smaller eggs time to mature; and once shed, eggs mature at different times and thus may avoid complete loss of a season's spawning to predators. Also called batch spawning. 
間隔產卵 間歇性地產卵,通常間隔數天或數個星期。這樣能使更多較小的與較不成熟的卵停留在有限的腹腔空間,有足夠的時間發育成熟;而且卵在不同的時間成熟,每次產卵就能避開一次產出的卵完全被掠食者一次吃掉。也稱作批次產卵。 