名詞 定義 
hemitrich One of the pair of slender rod-like structures that compose a lepidotrich or soft fin ray. The hemitrichia are segmented and often branched. The segments are movably held together by flexible collagenous fibres and joined at their distal tips by fused actinotrichia. Proximally the hemitrichia are expanded to provide for the attachment of muscles (erectors, depressors, and inclinators) and for articulation with the fin ray supports.  
半鰭條 組成鱗狀鰭條或軟鰭鰭條的成對細長的竿狀結構之一。半鰭條是片段或常常分枝的。片段可移動地且被柔韌有彈性的膠原纖維在末端融合,並結合棘狀鰭條。近端的半鰭條延伸作為肌肉(豎直肌,降肌與伸展肌)的附著與關節處鰭條支持。 