名詞 定義 
ichthyoallyeinotoxism Hallucinogenic fish poisoning caused by ingesting the heads or flesh of certain types of reef fishes in the tropical Pacific an Indian Oceans. The toxicity is sporadic and unpredictable in its occurrence and is not destroyed by ordinary cooking. The symptoms develop within minutes to 2 hours after ingestion, lasting up to 24 hours or more. The poison affects primarily the central nervous system. Symptoms consist of dizziness, loss of equilibrium, lack of motor co-ordination, hallucinations and mental depression. Feelings of chest constriction, of imminent death and nightmares are characteristic. No specific antidotes are known. The stomach should be immediately evacuated, other treatment is symptomatic.  
致幻魚毒 引起幻覺的魚毒,由於食用熱帶太平洋或印度洋的某些珊瑚礁魚類的頭或魚肉引起的。毒性發生是分散而不可預知的,而且不會被平常的烹飪破壞的。症狀發展從攝食之後兩個小時,到二十四小時或更久。毒藥主要影響中樞神經系統。症狀有頭昏眼花,平衡感消失,缺乏行動協調,幻覺與心智低落。感覺胸部壓迫,瀕臨死亡與夢魘的特徵。沒有特定的解毒劑。應該立即洗胃,其它處理是有症狀的。 