名詞 定義 
ichthyohemotoxism Poisoning from absorption, injection or ingestion of fresh blood of ichthyohemotoxic fishes. Symptoms following ingestion include diarrhoea, bloody stools, vomiting, frothing at the mouth, skin eruptions, cyanosis, apathy, irregular pulse, paralysis, respiratory distress and possibly death. Local application to the eye or tongue produces inflammation and production of tears or saliva. No specific antidote is known. Some laboratory animals develop cellular immunity, others hypersensitivity, following repeated small doses.  
魚血中毒 從吸收,注射或食用含魚血毒的魚的新鮮血液而中毒。在攝取之後的癥狀包括腹瀉,血便,嘔吐,嘴巴起水泡,皮膚破裂,蒼白,漠然,不規則脈搏,麻痺,呼吸停止與可能死亡。眼或舌產生局部發炎與流淚或唾液。 沒有特定的解毒劑。一些實驗用動物在接受小劑量後產生細胞免疫,與其它過敏症。 