名詞 定義 
ichthyootoxic fishes Those fishes that produce a poison that is generally restricted to the gonads of the fish; the musculature and other parts of the fish are usually edible. There is a definite relationship between gonadal activity and toxin production. These fishes are mainly freshwater, but a few marine species have been incriminated. The most dangerous forms are the genera Barbus, Schizothorax, Tinca (Cyprinidae) and Stichaeus (Stichaeidae).  
魚卵毒的魚 會產生毒素的魚,通常侷限於魚的生殖腺;肌肉組織與魚的其他部分通常是可食用的。生殖腺活動和毒素生產有明確關係。這些魚主要是淡水,但是一些海洋種也曾經被發現。最危險的形式是鲃,裂腹魚,丁桂魚(鯉科)與線鳚(線鳚科)。 