名詞 定義 
live-bearing 1)Ovoviviparity (production of eggs that are fertilised and hatch inside the mother but the embryos lack a placental connection to the oviduct or uterus and so do not feed off the mother. The young are born as miniature adults, free-swimming and feeding. 2) viviparity (the condition of giving birth to active, free-swimming young).  
胎生或卵胎生 1)卵胎生(卵的生產那是在母親體內受精而孵化但是胚胎缺乏胎盤的連接到卵管或子宮,而且如此不進食的母親。幼魚出生如小型的成魚,游離於水中而且進食,2)胎生(生產活躍的,游離於水中幼魚的狀況)。 