名詞 定義 
myomere count In lampreys the myomeres between the 7th gill (first counted is what whose posterior septum passes entirely behind the groove) and the one whose lower posterior angle lies wholly or partly above the cloacal slit. Sometimes myomeres are counted between the eye and the cloaca, although this count seems to have little to recommend it.  
肌分節的計數 八目鰻的肌分節在第 7個鰓 (第一個的計數是在隔膜的後部,完全地在凹槽的後面)至整個或部分泄殖腔裂縫之上的下後方。有時會計算眼與泄殖腔之間的肌分節,雖然這一計數方式似乎少有人推薦使用它。 