名詞 定義 
myxopterygium The copulatory organ or clasper of Elasmobranchii and Holocephali; rod-like extensions of the inner side of the pelvic fins. It is composed of the long stem cartilage, a shorter distal cartilage, the dorsal terminal cartilage (or rhipidion, fan-shaped for dispersing sperm in a radiating spray during copulation), the hook-shaped terminal cartilage (or claw) which has a cutting edge on its inner margin, and the narrow, sharp spur. The claw and spur serve to anchor the clasper in the female oviduct and a groove along the clasper enables the sperm to reach the oviduct. The siphon contracts to propel sperm into the oviduct.  
交腳器 交配的器官或板鰓亞綱與全頭亞頭的鰭腳;腹鰭內部側邊的竿狀延長物。它是由長桿狀軟骨、一個比較短的末梢軟骨及背部的末端軟骨(或扇形物,扇形是為了在交配的時候精液能以輻射的方式散開)、內緣有棘的鈎狀末端軟骨(或者爪)及狹窄又銳利的馬刺所組成。爪與馬刺適用繫住母魚卵管中的釦緊物,而且有一個凹槽沿著釦緊物使精液能夠達到卵管。小管收縮可推進精液進入卵管。 