名詞 定義 
optimum yield The yield from a fishery which provides the greatest overall benefit to the nation with particular reference to food production, recreational opportunities and conservations. It is based on maximum sustainable yield as modified by economic, social or ecological factors. Generally catches are kept at less than the maximum sustainable yield as this keeps the biomass on the high side (and also it is not easy to assess what the maximum sustainable yield is). At this lower level there are more fish that are bigger, easier to catch and less expensive to do so, of better value, and easier to process. Note that the optimum may not be more big fish. It may be a longer season or many small fish as with sardines. The downside is fewer fishery jobs. 
最適生產量 一個漁場的生產量,來自特別參考食物生產量、休閒的機會與保育以提供最大的整體利益給國家的。它是以經濟的、社會的或生態學因素所修正的最大足以支撐的生產量為依據。 