名詞 定義 
pot In fisheries, a portable cage-like trap which fish enter through a small opening and from which they cannot readily escape because of the funnel shape. May be baited or not, made of various materials, of various sizes and shapes, and of various local names from country of use or species of capture, e.g. eel pot, Scottish creel. Usually set on the bottom, singly or in rows, and with a buoy to show their position although modern GPS equipment may enable the buoy to be submerged to prevent poaching (or facilitate poaching). Used to catch crabs, lobsters and occasionally fishes.  
壺形漁籠 漁業用詞,像籠狀的手提式漁籠,魚進入一個小開口後,由於漏斗形狀使它們不能夠輕易地逃脫。可用餌引誘,亦可不用,餌可用各種不同大小、形狀及材料做,因不同國家、不同的抓取種類而有各種不同的地方名稱,例如:eel pot、Scottish creel。 