名詞 定義 
productivity A measure of the capacity of a biological system, the amount of fish supported or produced by a given area in a given time. Also used as a measure of the efficiency with which a biological system converts energy into growth and production. A highly productive stock of fishes has high birth, growth and mortality rates resulting in high turnover and production to biomass ratios. Such a stock can be exploited fully and can recover more easily if depleted.  
生產力 對生物學系統能力的一種衡量,亦即在一個給定的區域與時間裡,魚類所能供給或生產的數量。也被用於在生物學系統把能源轉換成生長與生產效率的一種衡量。與魚群的出生率、成長率與死亡率有關聯。高生產族群的特色是具有高出生率、成長率與死亡率,以及通常能支撐高度的採捕率, 如果耗盡了,也可以比低生產的族群更快速地恢復。 