名詞 定義 
raising 1) Estimating the total from a sample, by multiplying all the fractions in the sample by a raising factor equal to the proportion of the total which the sample represents, e.g. for a fishery by raising catch-at-size samples to the magnitude of the total catches, i.e. by multiplying the sampled numbers times the ratio of sample weight to total catch weight (or the ratio of sample numbers to total numbers). 2) growing fish by some artificial means of encouragement or assistance.  
育成 1) 估計來自一個樣本的總數,藉由在樣本中所有的分數的乘積,每一個養育因素等於樣本代表的總數的比例;例如為一個水產業可藉由養成可捕捉尺寸的樣本與總捕獲量的比率,也就是藉由抽樣調查的數量乘上總捕捉重量與樣本重量的比率(或是總數與樣本數的比率) ;2) 藉由人工的方式促進或協助魚成長。 