名詞 定義 
saltatrix swimming Prolonged locomotion alternating with short stops of juvenile fish having semi-opaque bodies making them inconspicuous to predators and prey. Food is taken during the short stop by a short directed strike, and area-restricted random search attempts to find more prey before prolonged locomotion resumes, e.g. Engraulidae, Clupeidae, Gadidae, Cyprinidae.  
跳躍式游泳 稚魚在長距離移動時,交叉著短暫的停留,以其不透明的身體可使其在掠食者與獵物間不是明顯的。藉著短距離的直接攻擊,在短停留期間捕食食物,並且恢復長距離移動前,在任意的限制區域內搜尋嘗試發現更多的獵物,例如鯷科、鯡科、鱈科及鯉科等。 