名詞 定義 
somactid Radial, a bony or cartilaginous support for a fin ray or spine. Usually three - the proximal, middle and distal radials. If the proximal radial is notably larger it is spoken of as a basal. Teleosts have only one row of radials between the fin rays and the supporting skeleton and these are called actinosts).  
鰭輻骨 輻狀軟骨, 為一鰭條或硬棘的一骨質的或一軟骨的支架。 通常有三個 - 近端的、中央的與末梢部的輻板。 如果近端的輻板特別地比較大,它被當作為一個基部。 硬骨魚僅有一列輻板介於鰭條與支撐骨骼之間,且這被稱為「鰭條基骨」。 