名詞 定義 
swimming speed The speed at which fish swim; in the range of 0 to >6 m/s and often expressed as body length per second. Burst or dart speed can be maintained for 5-10 seconds, to capture prey, escape predators, leap falls. Prolonged speed is anaerobic and can be maintained almost indefinitely.  
游泳速度 魚游泳的速度;其範圍在 0 到6公尺/秒之間,且時常以每秒有多少體長來表示。爆發或衝出的速度可以維持在5-10秒間,以便捕獲獵物、躲避掠食者及跳躍瀑布。延長的速度是不需靠氧氣的而能維持在數分間,但通常少於 1 小時內就會開始疲累。巡游的速度是要依靠氧氣的,且幾乎能無限的維持著。 