名詞 定義 
cohort analysis Virtual population analysis (an algorithm for computing historical fishing mortality rates and stock sizes by age or length, based on data on catches, natural mortality, and certain assumptions about mortality for the last year and last age group. Essentially reconstructs the history of each cohort or year class over its life in a fishery, assuming that the observed catches are known without error).  
同期群分析 漁獲統計資料分析時特別針對某年級群探討其在整個漁業過程(從進入補充群至完全消失)中之數量衰減情形,並且以逆推算之方式求得以往的漁獲死亡率及年級群數量,這一類的漁業分析方法就統稱為年級群分析。由於在推算當時該魚群已經不存在,故其中的一些方法被稱為虛擬魚群分析(Virtual Population Analysis,簡稱為VPA)。 