名詞 定義 
adelphophagy Foetus-eating, a mode of live-bearing reproduction employing uterine cannibalism; early foetuses deplete their yolk-sacs early and subsist by first eating their smaller siblings and then eating nutritive eggs produced by the mother. In sharks, at present only known for certain in the sand tiger shark (Carcharinus taurus), but suspected in a few other lamnoids. 
胎內互殘 尚在子宮內的幼生發生同類相食的情形。鯊魚種類中,現已確知大沙(又名沙虎鯊或錐齒鯊,Carcharinus taurus)有此情形,其它少數幾個鯖鯊目的成員則疑似有此類情形。 