名詞 定義 
clasper spine In the external clasper, a projection of the terminal 3 cartilage on the lateral surface of the clasper glans, which forms a short to long, acutely pointed, spine that is covered with shiny hard tissue, possibly enameloid, dentine or both. In some squaloids other terminal cartilages may have spines.  
交接器棘 在外部的交接器中,在交接器龜頭的側表面的末端 3個軟骨組織的一個突出,短到長不等、尖頭的棘且覆蓋有光澤的堅硬組織,可能是琺瑯質或齒質或兩者皆具。在一些 squaloids中,其他的末端軟骨組織可能有棘。 