名詞 定義 
ammonia Total ammonia is a general term referring to NH4+ and NH3 combined. In the older literature, the term "ammonia" has been used frequently by many authors, but is not recommended for future application without identification of its ionic speciation. Ammonium is a specific term for the ion NH?+, which is the ionized form of ammonia. Unionized ammonia or gaseous ammonia is a specific term for the dissolved gas NH3. Ammonium-Nitrogen is a specific term referring to the summed weight of nitrogen in the ionized NH4+-N. Total Ammonia-Nitrogen refers to both the molecular and ionized forms (NH3-N + NH4+-N) combined; values are reported as N. For ease of comparison, data should always be reported as "total ammonia-nitrogen" with the appropriate pH, temperature and salinity values provided.  
總氨(total ammonia)是NH4+ 與 NH3 化合物的通稱。在較舊的文獻中,許多作者經常使用「氨(ammonia)」一詞,但在未來應用上,建議使用此詞的同時也要將離子式標示出來。氨鹽基(ammonium)指的是NH?+離子,也就是氨(ammonia)的離子化狀態。未離子化的氨(ammonia)或氣化氨指的是液化的NH3。氨鹽基-氮(Ammonium-Nitrogen)指的是NH4+-N離子式中氮的總重量。總氨-氮(Total Ammonia-Nitrogen)則包含分子式與離子式( (NH3- 