名詞 定義 
foreshore (1) The part of the shore lying between the crest of the seaward berm (or the upper limit of wave wash as high tide) and the ordinary low water mark, that is ordinarily traversed by the uprush and backrush of the waves as the tides rise and fall. (2) Within a typical beach profile, the zone between mean high water and mean low water; also used of the upper intertidal zone that is covered only by exceptional spring tides. (3) The strip of land forming the margin of lake.  
前灘 (1)海岸的部份,介於臨海沙丘頂冠(或者如高潮波浪沖刷的最上端)與平常的低潮線之間,當潮水上升而落下,此處也被波浪依序沖過。(2)在一個典型的海灘輪廓裡面,平均的高潮位與平均的低潮位之間的區域;有時也只用於上方潮間帶,那裡只被特殊春天潮涵蓋。(3)形成湖邊緣的土地長條。 