名詞 定義 
gas bladder A tough-walled gas-filled, sometimes alveolated sac lying in the upper part of the body cavity of many bony fishes just beneath the vertebral column; its principal function is to offset the weight of heavier tissue such as bone. In some fishes used for sound production or respiration. Connected to esophagus in primitive fishes. Contains a varying mixture of gases, not identical to the composition of air. May be one, two or three chambered. May be connected to the gut by a tube, the ductus pneumaticus (then called physostomous) or unconnected (then called physoclistous). Found in Actinopterygii. Often lacking in bottom fishes. Sometimes called swim bladder or air bladder, less appropriate terms.  
氣鰾 一個充滿氣體有強硬的壁,有時呈蜂窩狀,在許多硬骨魚類的體腔的上半部的囊,剛好在椎骨下方;它的主要功能是抵消重組織的重量例如硬骨。在一些魚中則用來發出聲音或呼吸。在原始的魚中連接到食道。包含多種混合的氣體,不與空氣的組成完全相同。可能是一、二或三個腔室的。可能是連接到消化道的管道,鰾管(然後稱為管鰾類)或不連接的(然後稱為閉鰾類)。發現於輻鰭魚綱。 在底層魚類時常消失。有時被稱為泳鰾或空氣鰾,比較不適當。 