名詞 定義 
head clasper Small appendage on the forehead of mature male chimaeroid fishes, also a spiny, knob-like structure in male members of the Chimaeriformes used to grasp females during copulation, also a long, flexible spine on the dorsal median surface of the head usually with a modified tip or esca. Believed to be modiefied spine from the first dorsal fin and retractable in some species. Acts to lure prey close enough to be captured. Found in Lophiiformes.  
頭端交接器 在成熟銀鮫雄魚的前額上的小附肢,也可能是刺,或像槌子一樣的構造,在銀鮫的雄魚成員用來在交配時抓住雌性,也可能在背部中動脈表面上的一根長又柔韌有彈性的棘,通常有一個變異的頂端或餌球。相信來自第一背鰭的變化,一些魚種是可縮回的。夠接近的獵物會被動作引誘捕獲的。發現於鮟鱇目。 