名詞 定義 
inquiline An organism that habitually lives in the body space of another, but does it no harm--literally, a tenant or lodger; examples of inquilines are fishes that live in sponges, or sea cucumbers, also lodger; an animal that lives habitually in the cavity or abode of some other species, causing no harm, e.g. Nomeus in the Portuguese man-of-war, Physalia; Fierasfer in the pearl oyster, Meleagrina; Paraclinus marmoratus in finger sponges; Gilbertidia sigalutes in sponges, and Carapus in sea cucumbers.  
寄居動物 習慣生活在另一個體體內的生物,但是它並不會造成傷害,按字面義即租地人或房客;例如寄居動物的魚生活於海綿,或海參,也是房客;住在其他種類的洞或住所的動物,沒有引起傷害,例如在葡萄牙軍艦水母中的雙鰭鯧;在珍珠貝中的鴨嘴鰻;在手指海綿中的三斑副脂鳚;海綿中的美洲吉氏軟杜父,在海參的隱魚。 