名詞 定義 
landings Weight of the catch landed at a wharf or beach. Also: The number or weight of fish unloaded at a dock by commercial fishermen or brought to shore by recreational fishermen for personal use. Landings are reported at the points at which fish are brought to shore. Note that the catch is different and may include discards.  
卸魚重量 在碼頭或海灘上測量到的漁獲重量。也作:商業漁夫在港口卸載或娛樂漁夫為個人使用而帶至海邊的漁獲數量或重量。卸魚報告以魚被帶至海岸的時間為準。捕捉另有不同的附註而且可能包括摒棄。 