名詞 定義 
life cycle The generalized history of a species from birth to death. More specific, the movement of members of a population as eggs and larvae from the spawning ground to the nursery area, as juveniles to the feeding grounds, and as adults to the spawning area. Individuals which fail to close this cycle (vagrants) do not contribute to the gene pool. 
生命周期 一個物種從出生到死亡的通史。更明確地說,指的是族群成員的運動,例如魚卵或幼魚從出生地遷徙到育幼區域,稚魚遷徙到覓食場,與成魚遷徙到產卵區域。無法完成這個周期的個體(流浪漢)對基因庫沒有貢獻。 