名詞 定義 
longline A line of considerable length, bearing numerous baited hooks, and which is usually set horizontally in the water column; used in snapper, grouper, ling and bluefin tuna fisheries. The line is set for varying periods up to several hours on the seafloor, or in the case of bluefin tuna, in surface waters. Also: a fishing line with baited hooks set at intervals on branch lines; it may be 150 km long and have several thousand hooks and can be on the sea bed or above it supported by floats. It may be anchored or drift free and is marked by floats. Also called line trawl.  
延繩釣 一條相當長的線,裝著很多誘餌,而且通常是在水體內水平設置,被用於笛鯛,鱸科魚類,鱈與藍鰭鮪漁業。延繩釣被設置在不同時期,固定在距離海底好幾個小時的地方,或在藍鰭鮪魚的情況,在水表面。也作:用在分支線的間隔,設定誘餌的一條釣魚線;它可能是150公里長的而且有好幾千個鈎,可能是在海床上或者由漂流物支撐在上面。它可能是定錨,或自由漂流而且有顯著的漂流物。也稱作 line trawl 線拖網。 