目前共有 244 則信件     
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日期 發信人 發信單位 來函主旨
2009-11-25 Ralf Theuer www.peri-life.de Taiwan Fish Database: Pictures
2012-03-02 Rebecca Taylor ARKive Media Researcher Image of Paramyxine cheni
2011-09-15 Reshmy Centre For Marine Living Resources and Ecology, India Request for the reference material
2012-06-04 Rex K. Lu 此魚是否為Saloptia powelli, 長52.5CM, 重約3KG,附圖.
2012-07-29 REX K. Lu 請教魚種辨別
2012-12-31 REX K. Lu 請教魚類辨識
2013-01-03 REX K. Lu 請教魚類辨識
2001-10-29 Reyes Roddf FishBase Project, ICLARM Collaborators' Center, IRRI Los Baños, Laguna PHILIPPINES 要求提供台灣魚標本及名錄之中文名檔
2013-02-28 Robert A. Thomas Loyola University, USA USE OF PHOTO FROM YOUR WEBSITE
2005-04-19 Robert Baur Germany Photo from Chaetodon argentatus
2002-03-28 Robert Lin imformation 
2014-10-03 Roberto Crosti ISPRA-STS Palermo Request for permission to use photo in FishBase
2013-02-18 Rodolfo Reyes FishBase Request for permission to use fish photos
2015-06-04 Rodolfo Reyes Philippine Bureau of Fisheries Request for permission to use photos from The Fish Database of Taiwan
2001-10-01 Rossana 「豬仔魚」之英文俗名及相關資料
2015-04-13 Rudolf Meier National University of Singapore photo use request
2015-10-08 Ryohei Miki Department of Marine Biology & Environmental Sciences, University of Miyazaki I have a favor to ask of you (Ryohei Miki, University of Miyazaki)
2012-09-13 Sebastien Lavoue Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University Use permission request and high resolution file
2014-01-15 Smith, David G. Smithsonian Institution locality data
2012-04-26 Stephanie Lam The Epoch Times Image request: Squaliolus aliae